GPS time attendance Reader-Biometric attendance device

GPS time attendance Reader-Biometric attendance device

timevision one of the leading and excellent time attendance system supplier and installation company. we provide world leading biometric time attendance machine software and mobile applications. easily connected with local IP and cloud based software. Timevision provide effective attendance software for attendance management. Software helped to manage the employee’s attendance, monthly and yearly leaves, employees’ progress reports. Manage the employee’s attendance and go to modern level managing time attendance system. We provide lot of specification and feature in this software. This software especially made for Bio metric time attendance system.


timevision provide biometric attendance device in your requirements. time and attendance device easily capture every employee attendance logs report. you can easily find out employee logs and employee attendance report with in second. some employee go to out side work like site survey and etc., timevision provide mobile application attendance tracking system with help of GPRS. if you are looking biometric attendance device Dubai with GPS time attendance reader and mobile applications. timevision one of the best place. all the time attendance report are trigger from mobile application and biometric attendance device to attendance software. easily connected with TCP and IP. various shift assign and over duty calculation easily. Timevision provide effective attendance software for attendance management. Software helped to manage the employee’s attendance, monthly and yearly leaves, employees’ progress reports. Manage the employee’s attendance and go to modern level managing time attendance system. We provide lot of specification and feature in this software. This software especially made for Bio metric time attendance system and GPS time attendance reader mobile applications uses. timevision one of the best attendance device Dubai/UAE based company.

main objective of cloud based-GPS-mobile attendance applicationsBiometric attendance device

  • take employee attendance report anytime and anywhere
  • cloud based mobile application attendance tracker- find out employee location and attendance log reports.
  • field duties, photo capturing, employee current locations and employee attendance request all features are available in time attendance mobile applications
  • GPRS time attendance reader easily capture if employee go to site survey mobile notification shown on your phones.
  • the app will record and in and out employee’s punch’s
  • submit GPRS attendance report anywhere with help of google map
  • self report enquiry available
  • notification and pending request are shown in your notification tab
  • GPS tracking details checking with approve and reject button
  • employee image capture and submit application available
  • outdoor details checking with approve and reject button
  • Built-in 5G module and  live fingerprint detection
  • ideal for remote sites- SIM based GPRS data transfer
  • 5G, WIFI and IP communications



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Timesuite attendance software

timevision provide effective software for attendance management.
easy calculate payroll attendance management and user friendly software
free demo for you contact us

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