SIRA approved SSD drawing-timevision security system

SIRA approved SSD drawing-timevision security system

Timevision one of the leading SIRA approved CCTV installation company in Dubai. we provide SIRA approved CCTV cameras for your requirements. we have more than 10 years experience in CCTV installation field in various warehouses, residential and commercial building. And we also provide SIRA maintenance NOC certificate after SIRA inspect pass. All SIRA approved SSD and SVG drawing for cameras location, view of camera angle, camera view of camera coverage area and 3 drawing contact us get affordable price quote and installed security cameras in your requirements.

Features of SIRA drawing

  • Easily analysis angle of CCTV cameras and views.
  • CCTV camera coverage areas and location.
  • All identification, recognition, monitor and detection view in various site conditions.
  • Cameras tag number and DVR or NVR number identified easily with graphical presentation

SIRA approved CCTV installation company


All security cameras ensure your safety. SIRA new law all security camera identified specific views. Different type of cameras identification view ensure your safety all time. We provide SIRA approved CCTV camera installation in your requirements. and we also provide 2d and 3d identification and coverage view of CCTV cameras contact us get affordable price quote and installed CCTV security cameras in your requirements.

Additional information

SIRA approved SSD and SVG drawing

timevision provide SIRA approved SSD and SVG drawing
ensure your cameras specific views
also ensure CCTV cameras coverage view
contact us get affordable price quote

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