Biometric door access control system and software at time vision

Time Attendance and SIRA approved CCTV installation company in Dubai > Biometric door access control system and software at time vision

Door access control system

Are you looking for a door access control system in your office? Time Vision is one of the best door access control machine suppliers in UAE. Our work range from single door access control system to standard web-based hosted access control system. Our technical team is well experienced and well trained in biometric access control installation field. We have more than 10 years of experience in the access control installation field in various site conditions.door access control system

Door access control

Timevision provides RFID card, face, fingerprint and palm vein recognition access control in your requirements. magnetic door access control system widely used all office and commercial areas. We provide zkteco, hikvisions, honeywell and virdi world leading door access control systems to meet your requirements. All the time, ensure your office security and easily manage door access with authorized person. best access control system your requirements is the place go to timevisions.access control system Dubai

Biometric access control system Dubai

biometric access control system ensures your office security all times. Electromagnetic mechanism with 12V power supply connected in magnetic lock. All employees fingerprints are registered on single device. Once they will entire the office employee fingerprint registered with specific time easily capture all employee in and out time with office duty hours. We provide web-based door access control software for door access management.biometric access control system

Access control machine

Timevision provide world excellent access control machine for your office requirements. easily installed and ensure your door access with authorized persons. RFID card, face recognition, palm and IRIS recognition methods are widely used all access control system. We provide all range access control machine and accessories. Also, we provide single access door solution to multiple access door solutions with single control point.access control system More than thousands of doors easily access with specific and authorized persons through single door access software via IP networking. This large mechanism suitable for large hotel and commercial areas. Time vision one of the best access control system providers in middle east regions. Our technical team suggest effective door access control in your requirements. timevision provide past one decades secure and convenient door access control system in various sites condition. Lot of possible feedbacks we have. Access control machines are provide multiple verification – authentication, identification, authorization of access control. More than one door easily connect with single door access machine our door access software easily connect more than one door access machine. Final report we have got it. All employee and gusts in and out time with clear image with help of identification cameras. Lot of features available in door access control software.

Access control kits

Access magnetic lock: Widely magnetic lock are used all access control system. Its magnetic lock connect with 12 V direct current to easily ensure your office security. otherwise called “electrical key” access cards used by authorized persons. Card readers: card readers are installed inside of the door access machine. It can read access cards RFID. Access control keypads—additional features of this device easily enter numerical password for an already registered one.

Access card

All access card registered door access machine. With help of (RF- radio frequency) id reader. RFID reader installed inside of mechanical device. When card put certain distance from reader easily observed radio frequency signal with particular distance. All RFID card unique identification (radio frequency) in already installed one. Once registered RFID card with reader easily access all door with specific access cards. The access card extremely secure and practically duplicated, making it impossible. Saving money compare with fingerprint and face recognition door access control system.access card

What is door access control system?

Biometric technology include fingerprint, face recognitions, RFID cards, voice recognition, etc., identification based on unique characters. We install mechanical door access devices. All employee and authorized person unique identity like as fingerprint, IRIS-face recognition, palm vein, pin number and RFID cards capture with help of access control machine. Easily ensure your office security. All authorized and un-authorized person in and out time with specific image help of security-identification camera capturing image. Specified view cameras are connected with door access control software easily capture in and out person face and specific time finally we got pdf and xl sheet format. Fingerprint door access control system widely used in all office areas and commercial usage. Easily capture all employee fingerprint and easily access.

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